Tuesday, January 10, 2017

If you don't want to go to a shelter...

After visiting a couple of homeless shelters in downtown Chicago (dscribed earlier in this blog), four of us (Damon J, Gosia D, and Kathy T and I) went out on a Sunday afternoon to see where people who didn't stay in shelters were living around the city.  It was 10 degrees Farenheit.  

We started at the only open field in the city.  It's right in the shadow of the downtown business district and is crisscrossed with railroad tracks.  Chicago's inital growth during the eighteen and early nineteen hundreds was because it was the hub for all major railroads crossing the country.

A tent city had developed over the last few months on the land in the remnants of the prairie brush. The tallest silver building in the picture below is the Trump Tower.  The other building are the homes of major Chicago based corporations.  

The living accomodations ranged from simple tarps as shown below in the brush to much more elaborate setups.

This couple had a firepit and a couch and had even added a shelf with some cooking materials.

Last week though, new fences were put up, the brush was cleared, and all the residents evicted.  (Apparently, the land had been sold and a new development is going up in this rapidly growing section of  Chicago).  Their belongings were mainly still in place but they were not able to retrieve them.  It was very much like a ghost town.

Each of the tents had a large red "X" painted on it's side, indicating that the residents had been moved out.  If you look carefully, you can see the "X" on the green tent below and also see how almost all the brush and trees had now been cleared away.  It was discouraging to think that these people who had next to nothing, lost the little they had.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pacific Garden Mission - A refuge for the homeless

When I talk to people who sleep on the streets, I ask them why they don't go to a shelter when the temperature is below freezing.  I have been told by more than one person that they would rather sleep on the street than go to the shelter.  Various complaints I have heard are that the shelter is dirty, unsafe, infested with bugs, like prison, etc.  I wanted to see for myself so I arranged to visit the largest and oldest shelter in Chicago.

My wife and I visited Chicago's Pacific Garden Mission on Saturday afternoon (1/7/2017).  It was an incredible and enlightening experience.

Our hosts were Pastor Ervin McNeill and Joseph Thompson.  As was the case with 90% of the staff, both men had been "guests" of the Mission at earlier points in their lives.

Pastor Ervin McNeill

The Mission was established in 1877 and has been in continuous operation for 139 years.

The Mission currently provides housing and meals for 900 people per day but has surged up to 1500 per day as needed.  The guests come and go as they please and are provided 3 meals per day.  Men, women, and families with children are all welcome in the 164,000 square foot facility.

The Mission has three main programs: 1) An overnight guest program, 2) a substance abuse program, and 3) a New Life program.

The Mission attempts to meet the full range of their guests needs.  They provide on sight medical care, dentists, podiatrists, psychiatric and psychological services, barber and salon services, clothing, and job training.

All programs and services are provided absolutely free to the guests.  The Mission accepts no government grants of any type and fully fund their $5M annual budget through individual donations.

The Mission is extremely clean and well ordered.  The main thoroughfare is bright and cheerful.  It is illuminated with street lights to remind the guests of their progress in leaving the streets.

The main hallway which uses street lights for illumination
The dining hall serves 1500 meals a day and was spotless.  The guests of the Mission can develop job skills and work experience through working in the food services operation, the laundry, the mailroom, etc.
The dining hall serves 1500 meals a day
When housing 1000 people, space is at a premium.  There are separate dormitories for men, women, and families with children.  All bedding is washed every day.

Space is at a premium when housing 1000 people per night
After the wake-up call and breakfast, the guests move into separate men's and women's day rooms or go to a work assignment, counseling, training, or a religious service.

A view of the Men's day room from across the courtyard
The Pacific Garden Mission is a faith-based organization.

Their mission statement is:  "We serve with the compassion of Christ and minister with the transforming message of the Gospel".  

Their stated vision is: "We offer life answers through faith in Jesus Christ, through any season of life, so that our guest become fully functioning followers of Christ".

The banner in the main auditorium clearly demonstrates the Mission's focus
I was incredibly impressed with the dedication of the Pacific Garden Mission team towards meeting the needs of the homeless population of Chicago.  I'm looking forward to personally partnering with them to do some small part to help achieve their vision.

For those interested in learning more, please go to  http://www.pgm.org 

Pacific Garden Mission
1458 S. Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60607